
Tracey's Story 

Reaching that age in your life where weight starts creeping on, thinking this is it your turn to get FAT. I had been going to a gym but lost my way not knowing what to really do once i got there and giving up very easily when i thought i had done enough. Never going near the Free weights as i thought this was for making your muscles BIGGER not Leaner. I decided after looking at myself in photos NO, time to put the breaks on. I took the plunge and signed up for Mi Bootcamp 6 Week Lean Plan and so far i have lost 11lbs, 8cm from my waist, 3cm from my thighs, and 7.5cm from my hips. Being part of a small group of friendly people who i must say are all very encouraging, all wanting you to be stronger and do better than you did the week before. No worrying what you look like as you are all there wanting the same results. Russ keeps all records of weights you do week by week making sure you are reaching your maximum at each session. At the start you are given a book containing lots of different recipes, Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner and i must say are very easy to follow. I was weighed,Measured and it was recored.... Oh no you are probably thinking i couldn't do that, but you can as this is the start of your journey and i promise you will love it and you will see results. Russ has many years of Personal Training under his belt and he also doesn't want to see you fall at the first hurdle, once i finished my 6 weeks i was hooked and i can't wait for the 7th January 2019 new session to start. Thank you Russ.... Tracey T