Bronze Membership
Per Month
3 Sessions Per Week
Community Support Group
Workout Tracking
Monthly Weigh-In
Personal Monthly Check-In
Silver Membership
Per Month
4+ Sessions Per Week
Workout Tracking
Community Support Group
Monthly Weigh-Ins
Personal Monthly Check-In
Gold Membership
Per Month
3 Small Group PT Sessions
Unlimited Access To Timetable
Community Gold Support Group
Weekly Weigh-Ins
Personal Weekly Check-In
Weekly Nutritional Review
Designated Coach
Meal Log Support
24/7 Nutritional Support
Food Journal
12-Week Coaching
Weekly check-ins and coaching (in-person or Zoom)
Nutritional evaluation and tailored advice.
Personalised workout program (MiBootcamp sessions, at-home, or on-the-go).
Grocery store visit for practical food shopping tips.
Weekly weigh-ins to track progress.
Around-the-clock food journal support.
Simple, sustainable nutritional steps.
Weekly consultations for ongoing guidance.
Nutritional evaluation and tailored advice.
Personalised workout program (MiBootcamp sessions, at-home, or on-the-go).
Grocery store visit for practical food shopping tips.
Weekly weigh-ins to track progress.
Around-the-clock food journal support.
Simple, sustainable nutritional steps.
Weekly consultations for ongoing guidance.